This article examines the impact of paid sick leave laws on foodborne illness rates, highlighting significant declines in jurisdictions with supportive policies and increases in those with less supportive laws.
This dataset maps syringe distribution laws, detailing paraphernalia regulations and their impact on preventing HIV transmission and supporting public health among injection drug users.
This dataset maps laws impacting syringe possession, highlighting efforts to reduce HIV and other communicable diseases by addressing high-risk behaviors among injection drug users.
This article examines national public health laws across 20 Sub-Saharan African countries using policy surveillance to assess legal domains and align with the Global Health Security Agenda Action Packages.
This study links state laws mandating flu vaccines for healthcare workers to increased vaccination rates, rising from 22.5% to 50.9% after more states adopted such laws from 2006-2011. Rates remain below the Healthy People 2020 target of 90%.
This study examines the history and effectiveness of syringe exchange laws in the U.S. and their role in combating HIV among persons who inject drugs, highlighting significant legal changes in the 1990s.
This article examines the legal authority for mandatory infectious disease reporting across U.S. jurisdictions during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, highlighting the need for robust and adaptable laws to manage emerging health threats.
This LawAtlas map offers details on whether a state has laws requiring access to free STD treatment services. It also includes whether the law prohibits a patient from being billed or whether a third party may be billed.
This interactive page provides information about the state laws and regulations that dictate how and to what extent a health department may intervene when communicable diseases appear in their jurisdiction.
State laws that set strict standards for children to be exempted from vaccines on religious or philosophical grounds could reduce the number of whooping cough cases, but not measles, mumps, haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) or Hepatitis B.
This dataset outlines state laws criminalizing certain actions by individuals with HIV, detailing behaviors covered, legal mechanisms, and penalties to address the presumed risk of HIV transmission.
This study analyzes antibiotic approval and withdrawal rates from 1980-2009, showing high withdrawal rates compared to other drug classes and suggesting that clinical quality should be prioritized over quantity.
This study finds no consistent link between parental involvement laws and teen sexual behavior or STI rates, improving prior estimates with event-study design and updated gonorrhea and chlamydia data.
This dataset highlights state statutes on health department information sharing, focusing on confidentiality laws impacting the coordination of care for communicable diseases like HIV, tuberculosis, and others.