These three articles aim to acquaint specialists in mental health law, health services research, and policy implementation research with the Virginia Advance Directive Project.
The first describes the origins and structure of the project, including the legislative history and content of the law, and the multi-stakeholder structure created to implement it. The second article identifies the innovations that were needed to translate the opportunity created by the law into routine practice on a statewide basis. The third article describes the barriers to statewide implementation that have been encountered during the first three years of the project.
The two articles cited below were supported by a grant from the Public Health Law Research program.
Zelle, H., Kemp, K., & Bonnie, R. J. (2015). Advance directives for mental health care: Innovation in law, policy, and practice. Psychiatric Services, 66, 7-9. Kemp, K., Zelle, H., & Bonnie, R. J. (2015). Embedding advance directives in routine care for persons with serious mental illness: The challenge of implementation. Psychiatric Services, 66, 10-14.